COMING SOON: State Fall Classic

SFC will be held October 14-16, 2016 at Pelican Park and the Robicheaux Center in Carencro, LA.

This is an event for all Areas. Male and female athletes from across the state will compete in Aquatics, Horseshoes, and Softball. Sign up today to play, coach, or volunteer for this event.

Register to Volunteer

Click here for 2016 SFC Fact Sheet

Unified Partners Make A Huge Impact on Special Olympics

Unified Sports® is an inclusive sports program that combines an approximately equal number of Special Olympics athletes and unified partners on teams for training and competition. Learn more and sign up to get involved in unified sports.

Sharing One Language: Sport

Being a partner is an additional means of carrying out and fulfilling the mission of Special Olympics. Teams are constructed in such a way as to provide training and competition opportunities that meaningfully challenge and involve all athletes. These opportunities often lead to improved sports skills, higher self-esteem, and equal status among peers and new friendships.

Special Olympics Athlete Leadership Program Empowers Leadership and Encourages Participation.

12819223_10154064693353783_3460347302375158929_oSpecial Olympics Louisiana’s  Athlete Leadership Program empowers athletes to explore opportunities for greater participation in our movement beyond sports training and competition: as coaches, officials, spokespeople, and Board and committee members. Athlete leaders are an integral part of the Special Olympics Movement and help Special Olympics leaders stay in touch with athletes’ interests. This way we can ensure that our programs remain vital and attractive to the people we serve.

The Athlete Leadership Council is made up of athletes from all across Louisiana. Council meetings provide a forum for athletes to report to other athletes what is happening in their areas, voice their opinions about important issues and gain leadership training and experience.

Interested in becoming a member? Contact Us

Healthy Athletes Makes an Impact on The Lives of Athletes

Through Healthy Athletes, SOLA currently offers health screenings in six areas: Fit Feet (podiatry), FUNfitness (physical therapy), Health Promotion (better health and well-being), Healthy Hearing (audiology), Opening Eyes (vision) and Special Smiles (dentistry). Healthy Athletes organizes its events in a welcoming, fun environment. Its screenings educate athletes on healthy lifestyle choices and identify problems that may need additional follow-up.

Fit Feet


Health Promotion

Healthy Hearing

Opening Eyes

Special Smiles


Want to learn more about Healthy Athletes? Contact us

SOLA Needs Coaches!


Was there a mentor, teacher or coach who made a difference in your life? The one who gave you the courage and determination to strive to be your best? The one who helped shape both your performance and your character? You can be that important person in someone else’s life.

Coaches teach the skills and spirit that define a true athlete. Coaches are role models and character-builders. Special Olympics coaches go even further.They help athletes find their own strengths and abilities. They also show them how to build upon those strengths and improve every day.

As a Special Olympics coach, you bring enthusiasm, commitment and a positive attitude to each practice, event and competition. You will enrich the lives of our athletes in many life-changing ways. The skills and confidence an athlete learns through sports have a long and lasting effect.

Sign up to be a coach.

Thank You LETR Officers

We want to thank all of our LETR Officers who do amazing work for our Special Olympics Athletes and their families.

The Law Enforcement Torch Run® for Special Olympics Louisiana, or LETR, unites officers from law enforcement agencies and corrections departments across the state in an effort to raise funds and awareness for Special Olympics Louisiana. Torch Run efforts to raise funds include collecting corporate sponsorships, selling T-shirts, Running, and hosting unique fundraising events.