50th Anniversary

Martin Maher/Freelance

Since 1968, Special Olympics Louisiana has been changing attitudes about the talents of people with intellectual disabilities. Since 1968, Special Olympics has been changing the world! Starting in 2018, we are celebrating 50 years of creating a more inclusive, welcoming world for all. Join us — and Change the Game!

We are asking our supporters to pledge $50 to Special Olympics Louisiana in honor of our 50th Anniversary. You may be a part of our past and now we want you to become part of our future! Your donations and efforts will build inclusive and healthy communities, empower our athletes to become leaders of change, and provide a chance to know the true benefit of sports and athletic competition through participation in the Special Olympics program. Special Olympics Louisiana is a non-profit, tax-exempt, 72-0706608, 501(c) (3) organization, incorporated in the State of Louisiana.

Planned Giving


Special Olympics Louisiana provides sports training and competition opportunities to thousands of athletes with intellectual disabilities. We are constantly striving to grow and expand our program. To insure we will be here in the future to meet the needs of our athletes, we must continue to find private funding. Your current donations are important, but Gifts of Planned Giving will make a difference for the future. They will help insure that Special Olympics Louisiana continues its mission well into the next century. The most common way to make a Gift of Planned Giving is by a bequest or legacy gift. A bequest in your will lets you pass any amount you wish to us free of estate tax in the United States. You may give a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate. We encourage you to consult an attorney who specializes in estate planning to ensure your will best suits your needs and desires. For more information on giving to Special Olympics Louisiana, please call 1-800-345-6644 and visit www.specialolympics.org/legacy.  You may also email Connie Grandmason, Director, Bequests & Estate Gifts, SOI, at cgrandmason@specialolympics.org or toll free 866-690-3951.

Healthy Athletes


Special Olympics Louisiana offers free health examinations for our athletes at our State Events!

Healthy Athletes is a large part of our organization.  Our athletes are screened through Special Smiles, Healthy Hearing, Health Promotion, Fit 08Feet, Fun Fitness, and Opening Eyes.  Our athletes are screened, free of charge, at our state competitions.  Athletes also receive a “goody” bag for Special Smiles and Health promotion filled with lots of great tools to keep up the good work! Come out and find the booth at our State Games!

LETR Movement

Athlete high fiving officer 3 (in chair)

Did you know that The Law Enforcement Torch Run® for Special Olympics Louisiana, or LETR, unites officers from law enforcement agencies and corrections departments across the state in an effort to raise funds and awareness for Special Olympics Louisiana? Torch Run efforts to raise funds include collecting corporate sponsorships, selling T-shirts, Running, and hosting unique fundraising events.

Get involved by clicking here!

Hammond Smokin’ BBQ Challenge TONIGHT

The 15th Annual Hammond Smokin’ BBQ Challenge kicks off tonight located in Downtown Hammond, Louisiana. More Than 60 KCBS TEAMS from around the U.S. will compete against each other and local teams for more than $12,000 in Cash & Prizes. This year’s event will also feature 60+ local teams competing in the Backyard Boogie and the Lamar Outdoor Advertising Chicken Little Contest, making this event the largest BBQ event in the State of Louisiana for the 15th year in a row.
The event also features local bands from around the region playing music on the Northshore Broadcasting stage both Friday night and Saturday. Come and enjoy world class BBQ and listen to local favorites. The Smokin’ Hammond BBQ Challenge is a FREE event. No tickets required. Make sure to visit the Backyard Boogie Contestant area for some delicious treats – Tip-2-Taste! All donations from Tip-2-Taste benefit local charities, including Special Olympics Louisiana!

The Hammond Smokin’ BBQ Challenge is an event where BBQ lovers and the community can come together as one to have a ton of fun in experiencing great people, great food, and great music. We hope to see you there!

Unified Champion Schools

Powerlifting Athlete

The Unified Champion Schools approach incorporates Special Olympics sports and related activities while enhancing the youth experience and empowering them to be change agents in their communities. This requires a shift in current programs and paradigms from a focus on events to committing to a movement advocating for youth as leaders. This programming promotes social inclusion in schools to ensure special education and general education students are equitably engaged. Teachers and students are encouraged to collaborate and create supportive classrooms, activities and opportunities. Students should be encouraged and supported to be agents of change, have opportunities to be leaders, and participate in collaborative school activities. To achieve this, school leaders and educators must foster a socially inclusive school climate that emphasizes acceptance, respect and human dignity for all students. A socially inclusive school is a place where no student is excluded because of the degree or type of disability or the services required to meet his/her needs.

Help Us Win $30,000!


We need your votes to win $30,000! This is a great way to support Special Olympics Louisiana at no cost to you. SOLA is participating in the Gulf Coast Bank Community Rewards Contest that rewards a grand prize of $30,000 to the top non-profit organization voted on by the community. Please help us by voting daily from March 5 – March 29. We will even remind you to vote. You can also help us by forwarding this email to your contacts and by sharing on social media. Vote now by clicking on this link, then select Special Olympics Louisiana, and click Vote. Thank you!


Young Athletes


With the generous support of the Mattel Children’s Foundation, the Young Athletes Program is an innovative sports play program designed to introduce children with intellectual disabilities to the world of sports prior to their Special Olympics eligibility.

Designed for children ages 2 through 7, the Young Athletes program is designed to strengthen physical development and self-esteem by building skills for future sports participation and socialization. These skills can also help increase the participant’s motor tracking and eye-hand coordination. The program encourages families to become involved as the child learns success through physical activity, all while connecting with their intellectually disabled child in unique ways.

Find out more about the program here.