Become a Volunteer!

unified teeball

Special Olympics Louisiana is always in need of volunteers!

Whether you want to become a coach, volunteer in our state office, officiate games, become a medical volunteer, other specialized fields, or just come out for one event a year; we have something for you at Special Olympics Louisiana!

The next event we need YOU for is State Fall Classic! This is an event for Athletes and Unified Partners from across Louisiana competing in Swimming, Horseshoes, and Softball. State Fall Classic is on Saturday, October 20th and Sunday, October 21st in Carencro, LA! Sign up as a volunteer for today!

You can find more information about volunteering on our website, contact us by email, or call us at 1-800-345-6644.

Coaches Needed!


Was there a mentor, teacher or coach who made a difference in your life? The one who gave you the courage and determination to strive to be your best? The one who helped shape both your performance and your character? You can be that important person in someone else’s life.

Coaches teach the skills and spirit that define a true athlete. Coaches are role models and character-builders. Special Olympics coaches go even further — they help athletes find their own strengths and abilities. They also show them how to build upon those strengths and improve every day.

As a Special Olympics coach, you bring enthusiasm, commitment and a positive attitude to each practice, event and competition. You will enrich the lives of our athletes in many life-changing ways. The skills and confidence an athlete learns through sports have a long and lasting effect.

Contact us at 800.345.6644 or for more information on how you can make a difference.

Volunteers Needed!

Spec Olymp State Indoor Games Bowling 939 bhm

Give back to your community and participate in a life changing program. Sign up to be a volunteer for Special Olympics Louisiana today!

Whether you want to become a coach, volunteer in our state office, officiate games, become a medical volunteer, other specialized fields, or just come out for one event a year; we have something for you at Special Olympics Louisiana!

Call us at 1-800-345-6644 or send us an e-mail.

Become a Coach!

Athlete swinging golf club

Was there a mentor, teacher or coach who made a difference in your life? The one who gave you the courage and determination to strive to be your best? The one who helped shape both your performance and your character? You can be that important person in someone else’s life.

Coaches teach the skills and spirit that define a true athlete. Coaches are role models and character-builders. Special Olympics coaches go even further — they help athletes find their own strengths and abilities. They also show them how to build upon those strengths and improve every day.

As a Special Olympics coach, you bring enthusiasm, commitment and a positive attitude to each practice, event and competition. You will enrich the lives of our athletes in many life-changing ways. The skills and confidence an athlete learns through sports have a long and lasting effect.

Contact us at 800.345.6644 or for more information on how you can make a difference.

Meet the McCallisters


Becca, Kassi, and Kylie McCallister have been volunteering for Special Olympics Louisiana for 15 years. They are a retired military family from Leesville, Louisiana. Kylie is studying to become a special education teacher herself.

It’s important to Becca that she shares this experience with her children because it brings them closer together and allows them to bond with each other. She says, “We should treat others with compassion and acceptance. Serving others holds a special place in our hearts and we are blessed with their unconditional love.”

Volunteer for State Summer Games!

Special Olympics Louisiana will host the 2017 State Summer Games, May 19-21st in Hammond, LA at Southeastern Louisiana University.  State Summer Games is one of the largest events we host for our athletes! What makes this event possible is the enormous group of volunteers that come every year. This support staff of more than 1,000 volunteers serve in jobs ranging from competition to setup and food preparationSola Athlete.

Join us and enjoy a weekend of fun with our athletes while working to assure the events run smoothly. Bring your family, friends, or even rally up some coworkers and volunteer as a group!

Register to volunteer here.

For more information chick here.


Volunteer at State Summer Games

Special Olympics Louisiana will host theState Summer Games the weekend of May 19th-May 21st. Opening Ceremony will begin at 7:30 pm. The games will be held at Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond, Louisiana.

This is a great way to start off your Summer in the beautiful Louisiana weather. Bring some friends and come join our volunteers!

Click Here to Register 2017 Summer Games Flyer.jpg

State Indoor Games

March is only a month away and that means Special Olympics Louisiana’s 2017 State Indoor Games will be here before you know it. Opening Ceremony will begin on March 3rd at 7:00 pm at the Team Automotive Group Sportsplex in Baton Rouge. The competitions and events will last the whole weekend and end March 5th at 2:00 pm. All events will be free and open to the public, including all competitions.


The competitions our athletes will be participating in will be Basketball, Bowling, and Tennis. It includes male and female athletes from across the state.

State Indoor games brings in a wide variety of athletes and families from across Louisiana. It will be a fun weekend for our athletes to show off their skills. A support staff of more than 1,000 volunteers will work at the Games serving in jobs ranging from coaching, to food preparation, to officiating. What better way to spend a weekend with friends and family, working with the community to support such a great event!

Click here to Volunteer.
For more information about the event .


Sports Award Winners Announced

Special Olympics Louisiana values dedication and would like to honor the time many individuals have spent making a difference in the lives of our athletes. We truly appreciate their continued support of our movement and their efforts in changing the way Louisiana views our athletes.

Listed below are the individuals who have been chosen as the recipients of the 2016 Sports Awards. We would like to recognize the outstanding achievements of these individuals.

The efforts they exhibit today will benefit those with intellectual disabilities for the future. Special Olympics Louisiana has been proudly serving people for almost 49 years. We appreciate these people who strive to make a positive impact in our community and make a difference one hour at a time. Congratulations to our winners!

Award Winner
Outstanding Female Special Olympics Athlete Emily Hinrichs
Outstanding Male Special Olympics Athlete Christopher  Blanchard
Outstanding Volunteer Award Charmaine Welborne
Johanna E. Brescher Outstanding Games Volunteer Evan Gautier
Outstanding Family Vielman Family
Outstanding Coach Elaine Durbin
Outstanding School Riverdale Middle School
Outstanding State Corporate Benefactor CITGO
Outstanding Area Corporate Benefactor Kohl’s
Outstanding Civic Organization Knights of Columbus
Outstanding Unified Partner Krysta Cotten
Outstanding Media- TV Jay Grymes- WAFB
Outstanding Media- Radio Rick Godley- Peach Radio 99.3 FM
Special Olympics Hall of Fame Dr. A. N. Diodene
LETR Top Fundraiser Lt. Col. Ward Webb
LETR Top Area Capital Area
LETR Above and Beyond Officer Becky White

For a full list of all the winners and a description of the awards please log onto the website at