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Did you know that we are on LinkedIn?  We are!  If you are on the site, we hope that you will connect with us and say hello.

This is another great way that you can follow along with what is happening in the world of Special Olympics Louisiana.

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Athlete Spotlight


NAME Ronnette Rome
SPORTS Bowling
AGE 49

 Have you ever attended a World or National Games?
 Yes, this Summer in Seattle will be my second USA Games.

Q  Do you have a job?
A Yes, I have been a Walmart greeter for 17 years.
Q  What do you like to do in your spare time?
A  I like to spend time with my sisters. We will go shopping, out to eat, to the movies, get coffee, or go to the park.
Q What was the moment that changed everything for you?
A  When I was diagnosed with cancer.

We Want You!

Calling all athletes, families, coaches, partners, and volunteers. This is your chance to shine!

One of our favorite things here at SOLA is hearing amazing stories from our Special Olympics community.

Please share your story with us. We want to know how you became involved with Special Olympics and what kind of difference it has made in your everyday life! You could even share your best photos from an event or competition.

We will even share some of your stories to our blog, Facebook, and Twitter!

You can post your stories or pictures into the comments below or email us!

SOLA State Summer Games Hammond 1082 bhm